Israel’s Children

Israel’s children through the perspective of artist Gordon Wetmore

The children screamed.
The children cried.
Denied their rights,
the children died.
As terror stalked the promised land,
the innocent were stilled.

And since they cannot
voice their plight
(these victims of Hamas’s blight),
we speak for all whose blood calls out
for justice with a price.

Is There a Speaker in the House?

A poignant rendering of the U.S. Capitol by artist Elizabeth Roskam

Is there a Speaker in the House?
Can reason’s voice be heard?
Can Lincoln’s party find a way
to fix what’s so absurd?

Must darkness dominate the dome?
Must rancor fuel the rifts?
In Freedom’s Home can’t fighting siblings
work to coexist?

Please tell me the Republicans
will put the nation first
instead of serving their own needs
to quench their ego’s thirst.

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

A call to pray for the conflict in the Middle East

If you listen, you can hear it.
Agonizing screams.
Haunting groans.
Heaving sighs.
And the whys are easily answered.

Once again Rachel is weeping for her children.
As in ancient times,
she refuses to be comforted.
And for good reason.
Her heart is broken in a million shards of sorrow.
There is brutality and bloodshed.
There is pain and suffering.
There are unprecedented atrocities.
The stench of death dominates the domain of Jacob’s descendants.

In the “City of Peace,”
there is no peace.
In a nation that once flowed with milk and honey,
there is bitterness and hate.
The Promised Land is a region of broken promises.
Sibling rivalry is taking a deadly ungodly toll.

Yes, the sons of Abraham are fighting each other as before.
And this dysfunctional family will likely destroy itself
unless peace-loving people
look for creative ways to broker a settlement.

For a place to which all of Abraham’s progeny lay claim,
let us pray.
Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Poetical commentary on the current chaos on Capitol Hill

Is there a doctor in the House?
The Speaker’s lost his voice.
A rampant virus took its toll it seems.
The sickness underneath the Dome
cannot be simply masked.
What is at stake is our dear Uncle’s dreams.

What Sam envisioned long ago
(brave people living free)
has given way to states of blue and red.
The way we lived with differences
(through compromise and grace)
no longer is the norm by which we’re led.

The radicals on either side
have spread contagious germs.
We need a trained physician with great skill
to diagnose this grim disease
before it is too late.
The House reflects our nation (gravely ill).