The Last Post

The end of the road for ‘Partial Observer’
But a new journey begins with THIS site

Each Friday since two-thousand-three
you’ve read a weekly rhyme from me.
And you’ve observed (through what I wrote)
my partiality.

There’s been a reason for my rhymes.
A truth to glean, a bottomline,
a point to ponder every week
much like Herblock* cartoons.

At last it seems the time is here
to change blog sites. But do not fear.
My Rhymes and Reasons” (then dot com)
is where you’ll find me now.

* For more on Herblock check out this link:

** This post marks the final content addition to As of October 20th, that site will go dark. My Rhymes and Reasons column will continue here on this site.

The Challenges and Chances of Change

When you have a coming change

Change is hard. It’s rarely easy
changing gears or changing plans.
When you love what you are used to
change can humble any man.

But it also triggers chances
that you rarely ever see.
Change, like what’s inside your pocket,
can fund possibilities. 

So don’t thumb your nose at changes.
They can be God’s gift to you.
When routines morph into boredom,
it is time for something new.

On Each Continent We Worship

A new hymn for World Communion Sunday

On each continent we worship
breaking bread and sharing wine.
We are joined in sweet communion
tasting grace while marking time.
Purchased by Christ’s blood and body,
we’re diverse as we can be.
On this holy day we gather
mindful of our unity.

On each continent we worship
to proclaim Christ Jesus King.
Borders blur as anthems echo
in the lyrics that we sing.
In all corners of Christ’s Kingdom
we proclaim His majesty.
On this holy day we gather
mindful we are family.

On each continent we worship
one in mind and one in heart.
Children of a common Father
each a necessary part
of the whole that God intended
to achieve His Kingdom come.
On this holy day we gather,
mindful that the Church is one.

Tune: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

Tending the Family Tree

A grandparent’s charge

A tender shoot sprouts from a tree
that’s rooted in a trunk called me.
That little branch that bears my name
will grow into a limb.

And how it grows depends on much.
Their parents’ guidance, friends and such.
But, Lord, I know Your grand design
includes grandparents, too.

How straight and strong that branch will grow
will be determined (I well know)
by words of blessing, loving touch
and what grandkids observe.

Lord, may my children’s children see
Your Holy Spirit’s work in me
through what I do and what I say
and how I make them feel.

Welcome to “My Rhymes and Reasons”

You’re always welcome here!

After two decades of writing a weekly poetry blog known as “Rhymes and Reasons” for the Partial Observer website, I have decided to branch out and write my own blog on my own site. Appropriately it will be called “My Rhymes and Reasons.”

While I will maintain my tradition of posting a weekly poem dealing with current events, popular culture and faith, this new site will allow me the opportunity to post on a more regular basis. I hope my faithful readers who have followed me since my first post in the fall of 2002 will continue to look forward to my words.
