The War to End All Wars

What began 100 years ago was anything but

It was the war to end all wars.
That is what it was called,
but it was far from that as we all know.
The bloodshed that stained Europe,
that deprived moms of their sons,
began this week a hundred years ago.

The “Great War” was deceiving
for it proved to be a lie.
In less than thirty years another war
was waged to conquer Hitler
and Japan’s grand emperor
as our planet reeled in anguish shore to shore.

And don’t forget Korea,
Vietnam and Desert Storm
and then Iraq and now Afghanistan.
Our sinful world can’t help it.
It is bent on starting wars
’til we bend the knee before the Son of Man.

Like the birth pangs of a woman
whose contractions spell the end,
Jesus said the threat of conflicts will increase.
But the future God has promised
will emerge with cries of joy
as a world beset by war embraces peace.

Paul’s Brand of Faith

A tribute to Dr. Paul Brand on the 100th anniversary of his birth

Paul Brand’s brand of Christian faith
was not the common kind,
but it’s the brand that this world dearly needs.
Denying self, Paul gave himself
to serve the hurt he found
and in the process proved how love succeeds.

His mind and heart were joined as one.
He had no need to choose.
His thinking faith was not afraid to seek.
And Paul was moved by what he learned
and cared for those in pain
who saw him as a savior of the weak.

In India, Paul made his mark
with instruments by which
he healed the sick and left a legacy.
Like Jesus, he was not put off
by those ignored by most.
He welcomed those beset by leprosy.

The brand of faith of Doctor Paul
still calls to doubting hearts.
It draws the one who claims a seeking mind.
It is a brand that focuses
on loving folks to God
through acts of mercy and by being kind.

For more on Dr. Paul Brand check out the following links:

Let the Little Children Come

Pondering the border situation

“Let all the little children come.
Don’t keep the kids away.”
The Savior said those words so long ago.
He was passionate and forceful
as he stood up for their rights.
Kids are persons with real needs as we well know.

But their right to claim Christ’s blessing
and their right to claim our land
aren’t synonymous as some prefer to think.
But these children are still children
needing what we have to give
not the least of which is shelter, food and drink.

Lord, please help us as we ponder
what to do and what to say
as we read the words inscribed on Liberty.
Are the tempest tossed and tired
still invited to our shores?
Or must we restrict migration to stay free?

America the Colorful

A July 4th prayer

The purple mountain majesties
and snow-white Mt. Rainier
remind me of what’s grand to me and you.
There’s Red Rocks Park and Yellowstone.
Mt. Rushmore’s hills are black.
And add to that our flag’s red, white and blue.

America is colorful.
The beige and ebony
blend in with those whose skin is tan and brown.
The colors of the rainbow
form the spectrum of our land
that’s haloed by the gold of freedom’s crown.

God, bless America today
in all its many hues
and may the colors of our nation gleam
as ethnic groups of every kind
and landmarks near and far
become the focus of our leaders’ dreams.